How To Start A Blogging

How To Start A Blogging On the Side And Make Money In 2019  : 

If you have made mind to know  how to blogging ,so  this is the best time to make money through internet . 
So, this is the right thing that you too start earns money by starting your career online now , because  the people are coming to  the digital world . you can also earn a lot of money from blogging ,but you should be serious  about it ,. you have to do handwork ND have complete information about blogging

What is blogging : 

Before you start a blogging you need to know what is bogging . 

Meaning of blogging : 

blog is a tool through which we communicate information to the people and update everyday . this information can be related by many types of like personal career , your knowledge . so if you are interested to start a blog analysis himself like what is your core strengths . 

if we say in simple line about blog  blogging like our diary, as we do  every day in diary  some people update it , same like blog we update the information on blog .
basic difference of blog and diary is diary is off;line but blog publish online . 

Part Of Blogging  :

  • Blog Post
  • Blogging 
  • Blogger

What is blog post ? 

As we write daily new thing in our personal diary on a new page blog is like same .
blog has new page in which we add new and latest information , one blog is combination of too many blog page . 

Meaning of blogging : 

I have already told you about blog post , the entire process of creating that blog is called blogging , in which including help us publish a blog on the internet , such a buying domain pendent web hosting , setting up a blog  posting content  and keep it update .

Definition of blogger : 

If say simple word who make blogging and run whole process like update the blog ,content writing publishing and maintaining of blog is called blogger. 

How To Blogging ( 7 steps ) 

here is dived blogging in 7 step for better understating and quick learn -

    Step 1 ) Blogging on topic ?

Now is The first question is , what topic should blog be made or should not ?  most blogger  here a mistake . he chooses a topic that is not right for him n neither done have he have any benefit . 

how to choose best topic for you

Interest :  First analysis himself you like to tell . like if you like to go travel then you travel different different place  may create blogs about travailing . 

Habit & knowledge : 
                                                       if like to play phone and computer game , like do video editing so you can create a blog relate do it ,because you will have a lot of information about it which you can share with other by create blog . 

Passion : whatever work you are passionate about , you can make a relocated blog from  the work you can not wear tired or the topic that you prefer to talk more than other

   Step 2 ) Choose a blogging platform ? 

After choose a topic of blog next step to choose right platform for blogging  .

let us see blogging platform -

generally two platform for blogging first is hosting  another is  self- hosting . 

  1. Hosted blog we can create in free .
  2. Feature is very low .
  3. our control on blog is very low.
  4. theme are very few.
  5. extension is to be used with domain .
  6. platform example  . , blogger /blog   
Self- Hosted
  1. to make self host blogs , you have to invest some money .
  2. there is no shortage of feature.
  3. We have complete control over a blog.
  4. here is unlimited theme found .
  5. can you use domain itself .
  6. plat Form example- WORDPRESS.ORG .
Most poultry blog is word[ , here is 39 % of allover traffic .

      Step 3 ) Choose best Domain  name : 

Must choose a domain name to create a blog , Domain is address of any website .
Some important point during choose domain : 

  1. Buy  a domain that easily remembers .
  2. Get your domain to match your topic or unique which nobody has used .
  3. Do not use any number or symbol in the domain like acb123 .com
  4. Domain must be key word .
  5. Always buy .com domain 
If you are thinking of buying a domain then Godaddy is best . 

Step 4 ) Buy a Great Hosting ? 

the most important  part is getting the hosting , most of people confused during buy hosting and they cannot  decide what hosting plan is better for him .
if less traffic in your website then you will pay less amount for hosting , hosting always buy a trusted website .

Top hosting website is Blue host  .

                Step 5 )  How to Setting Your Blogging ? 

Now you set your blog , because it is very important to do some setting before publish the post in the blog . 
if you do not have any information  about the blog setting then first get some information then do this  .

Step 6 ) Design Your Blog 

Be four start blogging focus on one point that is design of blog .  design of your blog is first impression for reader. 
for your kind information  40 % people closed website due the region of low design of website .
if you have not well design website then user can not interest on your blog  well content is unique or awesome . 

If you blog is not looking good then nobody follow you . 
 design of blog you will try some famous free of cost theme . 

if you do all 6 step carefully then now .......................................

                  Step 7 )  Publish Your Blog Post & Earn Money 

so now you will write a good quality  content  and before publish again read carefully and then publish it , for gain more tariff you will make Facebook , you tube , linked in ,quora  . 

for your kind information  if you think make blog and publish blog and earn money then it is never possible take some time like 6 month or maybe 1 year also but if you do your work continue definitely you gain success  and become  famous blogger . . 

 How to Earn Money on Blogging ? 

Be four earn money from blog make google absence account and its verified .  after that connect blog to absence account .  when  your absence account is approve then  earn money from blog . 

if you are interest earn money online then this post may be help you ..

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